Saturday, February 18, 2012

Some people say the situation in Syria highlights what can happen when a government is willing to go to any extreme to preserve their own power. However, others believe the government is simply taking direct action to restore peace and stability in their country. Do you think the Syrian government has a right to use any means necessary to restore order and stability - even if it means attacking and killing Syrians? If protesters become violent in any nation, is it the responsibility of the government to use force to restore order? Do you feel Syrian protesters basic human rights are being violated, or that they are getting what they deserve for allowing their protest movement to become violent? Is the video intended to bring awareness to the situation, or is it simply propaganda used to turn people against the Syrian government?


  1. I think that the government shouldn't be attacking and killing Syrians, because that will only cause them to become more hostile and more dedicated. But, if the protesters become violent without being provoked, the government will have to resort to violence. That doesn't mean that they have to shoot to kill though, riot squads would probably be enough. The protesters human rights ARE being violated, i mean come on, they're getting gunned down for protesting. Th e video is used for both reasons, because it raises the awareness, but also turns a lot of people against the government.

  2. Is it the duty of organizations like Human Rights Watch to release propaganda denouncing the actions of an established government? Should countries that have "non-lethal" weaponry provide the technology to foreign governments facing uprisings like the one in Syria? Can one even suggest viable solutions to a situation as complex as the one in Syria without truly understanding the Underlying Problem? If you thought you had a handle on the underlying problem, what solutions would you propose?

  3. I don't think it is right for the Syrian government to shoot the protesters because they are trying to SHOW THE GOVERNMENT what they believe in. The government doesn't seem like they want to listen to them though and i think that is where the problem is. If the government would actually listen to them for once, I don't think that there would be nearly as many protesters. The problems would diminish if the government actually paid attention to the inhabitants of their country for other reasons than gunning them down when they are protesting. As a citizen, I want the government to listen to me and take my ideas into consideration. I think that the video is used as both propaganda and awareness of the conditions in Syria. I think this because it shows the people of other countries the horrors that are happening in Syria WHILE turning the world against the Syrian government. If I lived in Syria, I wouldn't want the government killing the people I know and love, but if I was the Syrian government, I wouldn't want my country turning against me and protesting every decision I made. I think the government should get a new leader that actually knows how to rebuild a country that is pretty much in ruins and knows how to take care of the citizens correctly without them rebelling. I don't think the United States should get involved with this because I think Syria needs to work it's problems out on its own without the help of a stronger country like the U.S. The United States has its own problems like the national debt to deal with back home and we should stay out of foreign affairs like this. I hope for the sake of the Syrian people this all works out, but I don't think that we should be a part of the solution.

  4. So if they End up killing off all the syrian's (which is unlikely) then what would they do? With no one to rule over your the equivelent of powerless right?!

  5. Do you mean non-lethal weaponry as in a taser or simply beating them into submission?!
